Blocks complete
Yesterday only saw a delivery of blocks to the site. Diamond’s crew were otherwise engaged on other jobs. I spent the afternoon putting in the blocks and back-filling behind them and had an early day.
Today the final load of blocks arrived and I installed and generally finished back-filling. I also had a visit from the engineer looking after the storm water pump up design. I then spent the rest of the day doing final grading to 85% of the excavation and worked on trying to control the water flow (dug a small ditch) and clear away the accumulated mud. Diamond came late in the afternoon to take away the first load of dirt and the driver (young Parm) informed me that he would be the last and only load for the day. SO I locked up and went home for an early supper (that my mother-in-law had so kindly dropped off earlier in the day). A short while later I get a call from Parm that he is out front to fill up and take a load away. I was surprised but very happy. Then shortly after Parm left he phoned and said that young Parm was returning for one last load. So we got three big loads out today. There is only 2 or possibly three loads left, so tomorrow should finally see the end of the excavation.
I am so grateful to Diamond for their hard work at very reduced pricing plus a promissory IOU for my labour. There are very few companies that would take on this type of arrangement which quite frankly is a Godsend to us because we really could not afford the standard rate for this excavation.
I am also very thankful to Lafarge (and Kask) for their generosity in donating all of the blocks I needed for this project. Bryan was awesome at coordinating the many loads and keeping track of what was outstanding.
I could not have even started this project if it was not for the generosity of several vendors, manufacturers, and professionals. I can only say – Thank You!