Yesterday was more of the same but a slower haul day. All of the clay like material is going to Squamish to dump which represents 3-4 hour round trips. Garry was worry another site for most of the day and Parm was also absent, so it was just young Parm hauling. We only got two of the rock trucks out. I also ordered the sump and set delivery up for today.
Today was a lot more productive and filled with several firsts. The day started at 7am with a trip to the lumber store to get more marking paint and a battery for the laser level. Then I had to return the pit pump and trade it in for a new one. The seal had let go and the oil had come out and the water went in. They were out of the one I originally bought so I had to accept a smaller unit that does not have auto operation. So far it is keeping up.
Today they were able to haul away 4 large rock truck loads and we are nearing the end (both Parms were in today). There is still some more digging to do on the North wall to get ready for the blocks. I was supposed to do today but every-time I got the excavator ready to go, someone would show up and need it at the top again.
So now for the firsts. I unloaded the large concrete sump components from the flat deck delivery truck with the big excavator. Luckily I had a long chain and and old strap. This was the first time lifting something so immense. The arrival of the delivery truck with no Diamond folk about also inspired my second first. I drove the big excavator up the extremely steep ramp. Up till now I have let them drive the unit up and down the ramps for me.
Later in the day as I was getting ready to install the sump components (another first – I have never put in a sump before) I had some excitement when I got the excavator stuck going up the steep ramp for only the second time. I had made a blunder while digging out the sump hole and placed some wet clay material on the ramp. Well it was as slick as a pig that had rolled in Vaseline! I got half way up and then the excavator just started spinning in the mud. I had to dig in the bucket just to stop sliding backwards even though the tracks were rotating forwards. Then, because I continued trying I just got mired down in the mud. But I persevered and after about 15 minutes I had managed to get enough dry stuff under me to execute an ascent of the ramp. I got to the top and was extremely relived but before I could hook up the sump base and move it to the bottom, Parm arrived to load the truck again.
Once loaded he asked me to take him to a local appointment. When we returned I had him get the machine back to the bottom with the sump base. The went off without a hitch and he headed off. Just as I was about to work on the next segment, your Parm arrived and needed the machine back at the top. So my day went. My next attempt to do some bottom work was met with young Parm arriving yet again and needing a ride to the yard in Burnaby so he could pick up yet another truck which I also believe he filled up at another job-site somewhere before returning. This led to the last first for the day where I was asked to fill up the rock truck he had arrived with before taking him to the yard. I am fairly comfortable digging in the bottom of the pit, but loading a machine in very tight quarters was another level entirely. But I got it done and nothing got damaged. Young Parm returned just in time for me to finish and was happy although he added two more buckets quick where he felt I was a little low.
Then finally I had the machine to myself at the bottom of the hole and proceeded to install the next segment. At this time Parm arrived and a little later Gary. We worked at installing the 3 and 4 segments. I had the first three perfectly level and decided I wanted to push the assembly a bit the the east. Parm though no but I wanted to try. The move went OK but we were out of level. No problem, I used Alfie to tip the assembly towards me while Parm used Big Girl to back fill behind. Took a little wrangling but we got’er done.
After some end of day setup of the pit pump again, I called it quits at 8pm. I hope to have some alone time in the bottom of the pit tomorrow so I can clean up the north wall and get ready for the arrival and installation of the blocks in the afternoon.

Thanks for visiting.