Not yet
Today came and went and still no digging. Yes I am perturbed and loosing patience. But the contractor is providing plausible reasons why they could not make it and Parm even stopped by tonight to survey what needs to be done. I have been promised a truck in the morning to allow me to start loading what I have already stock pilled and that I will have an excavator on my property some time tomorrow.
SO I spent the day doing more general construction prep again. These are all things I planned to do in the evenings as I had time, but to be honest, I am glad to get a bunch of them done because quite frankly I am running out of steam right now and cannot work more than the 10-12 hours I am already.
Today I set up automatic sprinklers for the plants I have in pots (including those I saved from a demolition in West Van last year). The faucet the hoses are attached to will be in the air once the excavation is done so the timer will take care of the task so I do not need to think about it.
I then finished roofing the cutting shack, rehung the doors for the storage compartments, and hung some temporary lights (using the temp light string I took out of the attic). After some more site cleanup (putting stuff away into cutting shack now that it is done), I then moved on to hanging temp lights in the storage container.
Along with a few extended visits with visitors, that was it for the day.
FOSCAM received my defective camera today and dispatched a replacement to me by expedited freight. I hope this means it arrives tomorrow. The new rubber tracks for Alfie also arrived today.
I still have the siding to get onto the roof of the container, some more 2x material to stack in the new rack, and after a conversation with Parm, some railroad ties I need to load on my trailer and sometime take to the Richmond Eco Dump.
As promised here are some misc photos I owed you.

- I used the opportunity while I was on the cutting shack roof to survey the state of the ICF pallets. I found 2 damaged blocks and now there is also one more at the bottom of a stack.

I spoke with Durisol today and they gave me some good tips about moving the blocks into the hole including ideas for lifting jig.
I also wanted to show the extent of salvaged materials I was giving away that I have ended up with in the end. The following two photos shows all the material I have not been able to give away and will probably go to the green waste dump. This is a pretty small volume and I am extremely proud I was able to divert such a large volume of materials away from the landfill.
Well, that is it for tonight. Thanks for visiting.