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Happy New Year - We Hope!

Hello Everyone in Internet Land,

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.  May it bring you all Health, Kindness, Acceptance, Comfort, and Security.

Once again I have been absent for far too long on this site. And this time, unlike previous times, it is not because I have been too busy.

Quite the opposite, as mentioned in my Warm Water Throughout posting, I fell ill with a chest infection last December (repeatedly tested as not COVID).  While the active sickness lasted well into March, the chronic exhaustion has continued, and escalated, till present day.

I have had a litany of tests including X-Ray, multiple ECG’s, Heart Stress Test, CT Scan, Ultrasound, Barium Swallow Test, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Blood Tests, and ASTHMA test.  All these returned as negative.

I also had a at-home sleep study, that escalated into a hospital sleep study, and identified that I had some obstructive sleep apnea, but more concerning was central sleep apnea (brain ‘forgets’ to send out breathing instructions). End result was a prescription for a CPAP machine, and while the use of which has greatly improved my average blood-oxygen saturation levels at night, very little has changed on the chronic-fatigue front. Also over the fall and winter, my sleep quality and quantity has significantly diminished, further exasperating the problem.

SO, this is where I currently sit (pun intended, my recliner has seen a LOT of use).  I have some mildly good days and some really poor days.  A large percentage of the days involve napping for several hours.  Any projects that require any form of mental capacity (planning, sorting & organizing, ControlCore HVAC programing, etc.) are ignored, as I just cant seem to push myself into gear to start them.

Out of necessity, I have finally pushed myself to install the BRIZA hydronic fan coil from jaga over many days.  Our winter was/is pretty cold, and I did not want to pay for another season of electric heating in the room below the garage, that contains our RHEEM Hybrid Water Heater.  I will discuss the installation of the BRIZA in an upcoming post.

SO, I ask that you be patient, and I promise that there will be more updates to come on this project.  I have so much more information to share on the build process including build photos, and also progress updates from the drywall stage on. The best way to ensure you receive these irregular timed updates is to subscribe to my journal. You can do so by scrolling down to the bottom of this, or any other page on my website.

As always, thanks for visiting and standing by me on this long journey.

“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards.” — Bessie Coleman (1892-1926) American civil aviator.

“The key of persistence opens all doors closed by resistance.” — John Di Leme Author

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Theoretical Physicist, Philosopher, Nobel Prize Winner

the BRIZA hydronic fan coil is now mounted to the ceiling in the metal shop. This will provide heat to the room and the supplemental heat needed for the RHEEM Hybrid Water Heater. The unit is suspended down from ceiling to allow the underside of the garage concrete slab to eventually be insulated.

4 Responses to “Happy New Year – We Hope!”

  1. Progress not perfection Sean! I truly hope you can regain balance and higher frequencies. you are an inspiration to fellas like me and my associates. I will be passing through in the spring and will stop in. or Mabey you need a getaway, your are welcome here anytime in the Kootenays. I will be going down the rabbit hole shortly on my own project. I am completing my EA certification this week and am living the good life now, think of you often, take care.

    • Geoff, it is so nice to hear from you. I am often wondering how you are and what kind of trouble you are getting into up there. Please do stop by and say hi! EA? Energy Advisor?
      I think about your assistance and instruction every time I look at my flashings and the lovely corners 🙂 And every time I look at my roof parapets and remember I still do not have cap flashings 🙁 Lets hope the SOPREMA torch on can last another year Cross Fingers

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