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Movie Theatre

It was a busy day.

I started at 8 AM trying to use Alfie to excavate around the tree where the blocks are going to go.  After 4 hours, I had hardly made a dint due to the hard-pan (small boulders packed in with sandy gravel) and decided to give up and wait for the big machinery later in the week. Alfie has not been feeling well this week and has problems with his hydraulics.  Will need to trouble shoot later.

I also go a call from Phoenix transport who had moved the ICF skids.  I still had two skids to be delivered.  You will remember I was concerned what the final transport bill was going to be based on the first of three shipments being $900.  Well I was very revealed when they advised the next and final bill would be only $289.  This was to cover the second shipment and they were throwing in the third shipment at no charge.  This was excellent news and I am very appreciative.  So they delivered the final two skids of ICF early this afternoon.

Sean from Burley Boys also came by this afternoon to hang the cable I am using to suspend a tarp over the job site between two trees.  I then worked for the rest of the afternoon and early evening on unrolling the 60′ x 80′ tarp and hoisting the cable with it draped over.  I had several false starts as I adjusted things but after the first raising which I did with a hand winch over an hour or so, I got smart and ran the cable to my truck which allowed raising it almost to the finished position in about 30 seconds.  I then used the hand winch to apply the final tension.

It is a pretty impressive and heavy tarp.  Right now it is just draped over the cable and hanging vertically.  It would make an awesome movie screen and is about the size of the screen at many theatres. I will now need to attached ropes to various points and pull out the edges and anchor to strong objects throughout the yard.  I will used tow pieces of 1×4 to create attachment points to the tarp. The two pieces of wood will be screwed together sandwiching the tarp edge between.  I will then wrap the rope around the wood.  This should prevent pull outs.  The side of the rope that I will anchor to objects will be attached to an industrial bungy chord to provide a shock absorber for wind gusts.  The anchor points will need to be high enough so that the tarp stays above the web cams.

Once tightened up, this would make an awesome movie screen.
Once tightened up, this would make an awesome movie screen.

I then headed off to have coffee with David Butler and his wife Gloria who are visiting from Arizona and staying at Sean’s B&B which happens to be in my neighbourhood.  I know David from the Building Science Community and RESNET groups on LinkedIN.  I took then of course to Tim Horton’s.  Tomorrow we will play tourist and see the Capillano Suspension Bridge and then they will go do the Grouse Mountain experience before heading out together for dinner.

So – it was a fully packed day where a lot got done.  Wednesday we should start excavating.

Thanks for visiting.


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