Now that the house is gone, I thought I would document the materials I salvaged and will keep and re-use.
A majority of the studs were saved and then de-nailed by my father-in-law (Eric). These will be used for blocking, form bracing, and possibly some studs in the new home.Cedar Siding and longer 2x lumber including the 2×6 ceiling joists saved from the home. The 2x material will be used as wall studs in the new home. The siding will be used to re-clad existing accessory buildings on site. There was also more siding, but it was already stacked on top of the storage container and not shown in these photos.The beech hardwood floor had the nails ground off and then was bundled and put into storage. About 90% of the 700 sq. ft. was saved. I would use this as the flooring in my wood shop in the basement.
This leaves the material I salvaged and then gave away. The next photo is a collage of just some of the materials donated to others.
Many people had a part in ensuring very little was wasted on this house.
And finally a look at the waste stream generated on the deconstruction of this home. There are a few pics missing, but this is the vast majority. Once I get my finances in order, I will provide the dollar values for the dump fees and the total weights of each source dumped. this includes recycled items, landfill items, and green waste loads.
Top band includes materials that were recycled. The middle band was actual waste that went to the land fill. This was generally painted wood and plywood as well as used insulation and foil backed cardboard. The bottom band was green waste that will be chipped up and sold back to the public in a few months as topsoil
Today I did some general cleanup on the site and took what will probably be the final garbage run to the transfer station. I also spent the morning in the office planning out some tasks and sending out some emails.