Roof Gone
Was able to strip off the roof and ceiling joists today in the middle section of the house. Still need to figure out how to strip the kitchen structure in light of the fact that roof to the east of it is staying for now. I may need to build a fast support wall in the attic. Will look at tomorrow.
Bahman, my landlord, came by again today and helped for a couple of hours and my father-in-law will also be back tomorrow. And yesterday and today, I was provided lunch by my wonderful neighbour (I should mentioned that on the days that Eric comes, I also get lunch care of my mother-in-law). SO this is becoming a bit embarrassing as to how well I am being looked after.
I was able to get some great lumber out of the roof structure. The roof joists were 2×4 and after 60 years of service were quite deflected. These are being given away. The 2×6 ceiling joists are in great shape and being kept. Geoff came by and took all that he needed and I still have lost left, so I have moved on to the next person from Craigslist who responded with interest and is building a shed for a community garden. Hopefully they can come by tomorrow and take the rest away. I was kind of counting on Geoff to take it all today, so now it is in my way.

I also lined up the air spading of the tree roots for next Wednesday and the tree limbing for the 22nd. Air spading involves using a lot of compressed air to ‘dig’ a trench about 20″- 30″ deep. Any roots are then manually cut off. This is better than just digging with an excavator as the roots on the undisturbed side of the trench do not get traumatized.
I had a quick look at the schedule and it is looking like the whole house should be gone by 27th at the latest if all goes well.
Finally – Honeycomb Creative (my web programmers) enhanced the journal look today (except for the posts showing my ugly mug, which I have asked to be replaced with a more pleasing view of the house). In the near future they will also add comment functionality (sorry folks – I thought it was already there because I was thinking always of the Google blog). This will allow comments and questions on any of my journal entries 0 be nice please :-).
Thanks for the visit.